EventData: {
    created_at: string;
    dataset_id: string;
    event_name: string;
    event_type: string;
    id: string;
    is_conversion?: boolean | null;
    items: string[];
    metadata?: unknown;
    request_id?: string | null;
    request_type?: string | null;
    updated_at: string;
    user_id?: string | null;

EventData represents a single analytics event

Type declaration

  • created_at: string

    The time the event was created.

  • dataset_id: string

    The unique identifier for the dataset the event is associated with.

  • event_name: string

    The name of the event, e.g. "Added to Cart", "Purchased", "Viewed Home Page", "Clicked", "Filter Clicked".

  • event_type: string

    The type of event, "add_to_cart", "purchase", "view", "click", "filter_clicked".

  • id: string

    The unique identifier for the event

  • Optionalis_conversion?: boolean | null

    Whether the event is a conversion event.

  • items: string[]

    The items associated with the event. This could be a list of stringified json chunks for search events, or a list of items for add_to_cart, purchase, view, and click events.

  • Optionalmetadata?: unknown

    Additional metadata associated with the event. This can be custom data that is specific to the event.

  • Optionalrequest_id?: string | null

    The unique identifier for the request the event is associated with.

  • Optionalrequest_type?: string | null

    The type of request the event is associated with.

  • updated_at: string

    The time the event was last updated.

  • Optionaluser_id?: string | null

    The user identifier associated with the event.