description?: string | nullOptional
metadata?: unknownOptional metadata to assign to the chunk_group. This is a JSON object that can store any additional information you want to associate with the chunks inside of the chunk_group.
name?: string | nullName to assign to the chunk_group. Does not need to be unique.
tag_Optional tags to assign to the chunk_group. This is a list of strings that can be used to categorize the chunks inside the chunk_group.
tracking_Optional tracking id to assign to the chunk_group. This is a unique identifier for the chunk_group.
upsert_Upsert when a chunk_group with the same tracking_id exists. By default this is false, and the request will fail if a chunk_group with the same tracking_id exists. If this is true, the chunk_group will be updated if a chunk_group with the same tracking_id exists.
Description to assign to the chunk_group. Convenience field for you to avoid having to remember what the group is for.